Friday 28 June 2013

In the name of Allah the most Gracious & The Most Merciful

It was on my best friend's solemnization that the project begin on the land...23rd March 2013 (Saturday) I still remember clearly where I brought both my parents n my nephew to the site..This little hut was built because of God's love towards me that this person (my contractor) the 1st that initiate and inspire this project..

 At 1st I was not confident to build the house..but with the guide given and the strength lend to me..I'm sure that eventually it will be a success.

The gratitude that I want to express the most is 1st to the God that giving me such a great path and the 2nd is to my contractor so called my colleague that always lending me strengths and support to continue this project. Although there were ups and downs but still I am grateful to get such a great opportunity.

Ini adalah kisah pahit manis saya sepanjang pembinaan dan pembikinan teratak kecil yg sangat saya sayangi. Suka duka dan pelbagai ujian yang dilalui sepanjang pembinaan rumah ini. Dari hanya sebidang tanah hingga terbinanya sebuah 'ISTANA' di mata saya.

Footing: right after the piling as the very base of a house

so called 'site visit' :D

after the footing, here stands the pillars

the beam

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